Last reviews

By Ülo L. (Tallinn, Estonia) on 14 June 2024 :

Product rated : Kiwi Fruit Self-fertile Zakarpacie plants were small but after some training established well.

By Ülo L. (Tallinn, Estonia) on 14 June 2024 :

Product rated : Dawn redwood Healthy and strong plants easily established in Nordic Estonia.

By Jerzy N. (Janowice, Poland) on 05 June 2024 :

Product rated : Sweet chestnut Maraval The plant is growing well.

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Dawn redwood

Metasequoia glyptostroboides

Plant height 60/70 cm in a 9 cm pot

Himalayan pine

Pinus Graffithii Wallichiana

Plant height 30/40 cm in 9 cm pot

Gold Rush Dawn Redwood

Metasequoia glyptostroboides Gold Rush

Plant height 80/90 cm in 2 liter pot (Grafted plant)

Korea fir

Abies koreana

Plant height 20/30 cm in 1 liter pot

Scots pine

Pinus Sylvestris

Plant height 50/60 cm in pot of 1 liter