Payment & Methods
1) Note the desired amount of the product of your choice, then click “add to basket”.
2) Register your delivery address.
3) Check and confirmation of your order.
4) Payment (PayPal, bank transfer, Visa, Mastercard, Bancontact).
What methods of payment?
There are several payment options available, it is important to validate your online order whatever payment method, so that it can be treated as soon as possible. Warning your payment must be received as soon as possible to ensure the availability of your order.
Pay online easily and securely with your credit card (Visa, Mastercard) or Bancontact - Belfius - CBC/KBC
PayPal gives you the possibility of paying your purchases safely on the internet without communicating your financial information. PayPal encrypts and protects your confidential data, pay online by simply indicating your email address and password of your PayPal account. It is the simplest and the fastest method of payment.
Bank transfer
Make your transfer to the banking references listed below. Indicate in reference the number of your order as well as your name. Your order will be directly supported upon receipt of your payment. Classical method of payment, a delay of two or three days after receipt of payment in general, you will be sent a confirmation email when we receive it.
Our bank details :
Jardins du
Boland François
Avenue du fort 51,
4400 Flémalle,
IBAN account: BE95 3630 5019 9358
BIC account : BBRUBEBB